Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sports Hunting is inhuman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Sports Hunting is inhuman - Essay Example t is often done as a sport and too many, sport hunting is an acceptable pastime, despite the glaring immorality that it represents in that human take the lives of living creatures for the sake of entertainment. Bearing in mind that modern humans consider themselves civilized because of their â€Å"humanness† among other things, sport hunting is the epitome of inhumanity and reflects badly on the civilization of humankind. Sport hunting does not only strip animals of their right to leave free in the wild but also contributes to the depletion of some of the already endangered species. Wild animals like elephants and tigers have a right to live out their natural lifespan no matter how long or short they are so when hunters kill these animals they reduce their lifespan considerably (Ford). This is immoral because humans strive to ensure that their lives  are  as long as possible; taking care of their health and having hospitals and other health care institutions to promote longevity. Considering that, humans have a right to live out their natural life, they should not engage in reducing the lifespan of other creature just so they may experience a rush of adrenaline to collect a few game trophies (Simmons 4). In the same way, it is not permissible to kill, and skin fellow humans for sports or use them for experimental purposes such as medical research, one should not be allowed to treat the animals in a manner, which they know they would never want to be treated, or treat other human beings. It is also worth noting that in sports, hunting does not always die, as result an animal may be hit by a hunter’s bullet and this might remain in its body. With no way of getting it out, the animal will likely live the rest of life maimed or in pain until it dies of from injury or inability to feed acquire food due to the same injury. For example, wolf hunting in North America often involves the use of traps,  these can hold the animal in agony for hours and even day before the

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