Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Midsummer Nights Dream: Book Report :: A Midsummer Nights Dream, William Shakespeare
à â â â â â â â â â â â â â â à à à à à A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream by William Shakespeare is an Athenian parody. A portion of the characters are pixies, lords, sovereigns, and even lower class individuals. It is evident what timespan this story is from, in view of a portion of the things that Theseus, the duke of Athens, and Oberon, the ruler of the pixies, state in it. One of these such statements from Theseus is, ââ¬Å" Go, Master of Revels. Work up the Athenian youth to good times, alert the spunky and deft soul of gaiety, and all of Athens will celebrate.â⬠Yet another statement discussing the Athenians is spoken by Oberon, ââ¬Å"A sweet Athenian woman is infatuated with a scornful youth. You will know him by the Athenian pieces of clothing that he wears.â⬠à à à à à In this story the lower class individuals are called mechanics. Prior to this story numerous individuals may have figured a specialist must be some who took a shot at vehicles professionally. Kid, were they ever off-base. The mechanics in this story are far to moronic to ever take a shot at anything. They even figure out how to transform a Greek disaster into a satire, in light of their absence of acting aptitudes. One such character is Bottom, a line that he has to state is assume to be not kidding and miserable, however he transforms it into something clever as a result of the manner in which he says and acts it. ââ¬Å" Thus bite the dust I, along these lines, therefore, in this way. Presently I am dead. I pass on, bite the dust, kick the bucket, bite the dust, die,â⬠but then he doesn't pass on for a long while. à à à à à Some changes that the characters made all through the play were very fascinating. Puck, a sort of fiendishness pixie, pulls a prank on his sovereign Tatania. He changes Base, a mechanical, into a jackass and makes Tatania fall in frantically infatuated with him. After a short time he chooses to let her see what she was entirely love with and she begins to shout. Itââ¬â¢s very diverting that a pixie could be so underhanded. In the various stories that are ever perused portray pixies as decent things that award wishes and such. Who could ever feel that they would pull crewel pranks on individuals like that. Puck likewise puts a sort of affection elixir according to Lysander and Demetreuis to make them become hopelessly enamored with Helena rather than Hermia. Which additionally a shrewd arrangement. à à à à à This book was extremely intriguing to peruse. There are some extremely intriguing things to be gained from this book.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cell Phone Safety Essay Example For Students
Mobile phone Safety Essay The utilization of mobile phones has spread like out of control fire over the most recent ten years. It has become a piece of regular day to day existence for some American residents, and a decent number of individuals rely upon them to complete day by day tasks. Lamentably, a significant number of these day by day tasks happen while the individual is driving. Accordingly, numerous mishaps have occurred over the most recent ten years because of the utilization of mobile phones while out and about. This persuades if individuals cannot focus out and about while chatting on a phone they shouldnt talk at all while driving. As opposed to limiting access, the objective ought to be to give in-vehicle data frameworks and more secure intends to utilizing your mobile phone while driving. I comprehend that limiting phone use while driving all together isnt the best way to taking care of the issue. Numerous great angles originate from cell use in the vehicle. For instance, mishaps get answered to 911 quickly, traffic refreshes happen all the more frequently on the grounds that residents get back to and report ups, and drivers who should be removed the street as a result of being inebriated or downright foolish will be found speedier and simpler. I do, nonetheless, accept that more security safeguards should be taken for people who will chat on their telephones while driving. Telephones are being made by Erricson, Motorolla, and Nokia today in which offer a without hands mobile phone so you can keep two hands on the wheel while driving and talking. A portion of these come as headsets and give the client a voice initiated succession, which permits you to talk into the speaker, and the number will right away be dialed. All prepared this has dispensed with the opportunity of your hands being off the haggle the demonstration of dialing the telephone. Both which permit you to keep your hands on the haggle out and about. One of the latest headways in cell innovation originates from Brightcell Technologies. It is known as the Triflex sans hands telephone unit. The Triflex transforms your wireless into a speakerphone. It works by connecting a DC connector to your vehicles cigarette lighter or electrical plug. You place your telephone in the support of the pack and an uncommon connector in the base energizes your unit, sparing battery power and changing over your discussions into speakerphone mode. In light of deficient announcing, there is inadequate information to show the extent of wellbeing issues identifying with the utilization of PDAs. This is on the grounds that lone two states have a segment on mishap reports committed to climate or not a mobile phone was available in the vehicle at the hour of the mishap. Minnesota and Oklahoma are the two states wherein have gotten OK records on the wellbeing related issues with PDA use while driving. In only one year the quantity of mishaps identifying with wireless utilize expanded in Oklahoma by 26.5 %. Driver distractedness is the most as often as possible distinguished factor among cell phone clients. The following most every now and again noted conditions are inability to yield and following excessively close. In view of these realities alone, it is anything but difficult to see that mobile phones and driving dont blend to well. Until we have more wellbeing highlights given to us that accompany phones, we shouldnt blend the two . In perusing the site An examination of the Safety Implications of Wireless Communications in Vehicles, I discovered that the security implies vital in accomplishing safe driving while at the same time chatting on the telephone could be cultivated through the use of good building and human variables configuration practice. The suggestions made were as per the following: Improving information assortment and revealing, improving customer training, starting a wide scope of research to all the more likely characterize and comprehend the issue, tending to issues related with utilization of mobile phones from vehicles to get to crisis administrations, empowering implementation of existing state laws to address careless driving conduct, and in conclusion, utilizing the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) and instrumented vehicles to examine ideal driver/vehicle interfaces. On the off chance that most of these suggestions were made, driving while at the same time utilizing your remote innovation would be a lot simpler and more secure. Numerous mishaps could be saved if just the best possible wellbeing safety measures would be made. .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .postImageUrl , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:visited , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:active { border:0!important; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:active , .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover { mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } . u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u754e696a955d9efc0b0df619a4ece85d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Italy Persuasive EssayIn end, on account of the fast development and interest for mobile phones a lot more mishaps are happening day by day. Mobile phone use in vehicles fill some great needs as well and have become a piece of life to certain people, so its easy to see that we cant simply forbid them from vehicles all together. Yet, it doesnt imply that we cannot make more noteworthy strides in the headway of security highlights for remote administrations in those equivalent people vehicles. In the event that the entirety of the proposals made before occurred, at that point individuals could chat on their telephone while driving and be totally sheltered from their past blemishes in absentmindedness. Book reference:
Friday, August 21, 2020
Weve Updated Our Zapier Integration! - Focus
Weâve Updated Our Zapier Integration! - Focus MeisterTask just updated its Zapier integration, and the result⦠magic! Users can now create Zaps that are packed with additional information, such as: attachments, due date, tags and completion prompts! Quick Recap If youâve never come across or used Zapier before, itâs probably good to get you up to speed by first giving you a quick overview. Weâve created a little Zapier glossary just for that purpose. It will not only help you understand the terminology, but it will also give you a general idea of how it actually works. Zapier Glossary Zapier is a web-based service that offers end-users (like you and me) and easy solution to automate certain parts of your workflow. Certain tasks require the help of two or three different programs in order to be completed. Say you need to create a task every time someone fills in a contact form on your website. This is a manual and time-consuming process. But, using Zapier to connect MeisterTask to your form tool can automate this step. You can do this for another 1,500 applications with Zapier, not just your email client. Whatâs more, you donât need any coding or programming experience to do so! Automate is a word used to describe the action of programming a machine or computer to do something instead of a person doing it manually. Think of a chatbot as an example. A lot of chatbots are programmed to send an automatic reply whenever a customer sends a message. The action of sending the reply is whatâs been automated. Workflow is the name given to the entire process that a piece of work goes through from initiation to completion. An example of a basic workflow is: when this happens (choose app event) then do this. Zap is what you call the step or action in your workflow that youâve chosen to automate using Zapier. Trigger is the prompt that signals your Zap to begin automating a step. It could be a potential customer filling out a contact form for Sales. Action is what you call the result that you want out of your Zap â" an email sent, a post published or task created. In a nutshell, MeisterTaskâs Zapier integration means that users have access to a multitude of applications so that they can automate recurring steps in their workflow. This means less manual work and more time to focus on the projects that are really important to you. See⦠magic! So Whatâs New? What does this particular update mean? It means you now have more options available to you when it comes to creating MeisterTask Zaps on Zapier. Weâve added in additional data points (sounds very technical) which means that you have endless configuration options. More robust and content-rich tasks. More dynamic and customized workflows. Here are the updates in a little more detail: Zap Your Tasks to Completion You can now create a Zap that will change a taskâs status. This means, no more going into MeisterTask to manually mark a task as complete, archived or trashed. Why would I want to do that? Say youâve integrated Zapier with your company Facebook account, and each task in your MeisterTask project represents a Facebook post. Up until now, youâve been able to automate that: the task description becomes the post text the task attachments become the post image when the task is moved into a particular section on your project board, the post gets published So your Facebook post was published and your work completed. But you still had to go back into MeisterTask and mark the task complete. Not anymore! Add another level to your Zap and this, too, will be automated for you. MeisterTip: For the Facebook-averse out there, this was just an example, and also works with tons of other apps. Try having a sent email or finished calendar event mark a task as complete. Use a Zap to Add Attachments to Tasks Automatically Who would need to use this? Anyone, but one prime example is someone who works in finance. The end of every month for someone working in finance often means an inbox flooded with invoices. Keeping track of whatâs been settled versus what still needs to be paid is hard enough without the added risk of missing something that could result in a key supplier not getting paid. So much time spent sifting through emails, requesting invoices, and sending replies. Donât forget about manually uploading all invoices to your MeisterTask accounts project. This can all be grouped into work that needs to get done before the actual work gets done. But with Zapier, and MeisterTaskâs new integration update, this can all be automated. Simply create a Zap that can do this for you! You Can Add More Info to Tasks That You Create On Zapier Such as due date and custom fields. Once upon a time, adding a due date to a task created using Zapier had to be done separately on MeisterTask, after the task had been added to your project. Those days are over. Our new update allows you to add your due date directly into the Zap youâre creating. Set incoming sales leads for follow up as soon as theyâre added to your project board by using this Zap: Also pre-fill in your custom fields â" with an email address or a phone number perhaps? All that is now available directly from the Zap dialog. Filter Tasks By Tags If youâve added tags to your project in MeisterTask, you can now filter by those tags when creating a Zap on Zapier. How would one use this? Well hereâs a great example: If you, like so many others, use MeisterTask to manage your social media content calendar, you probably have a project dedicated to this with a specific section for âto be publishedâ. You probably also use tags, either to differentiate the type of content (video, tweet, post, etc.) or to represent the different platforms (Twitter, Facebook etc.). Gathering everything you need for a social media post often involves multiple team members or departments â" a picture or video from graphics, a clever caption from marketing and input from the online marketing team regarding whether or not it will be âboostedâ. Once tasks have been through this workflow and moved into the âto be publishedâ section, your social media manager probably had to physically log in to the social media platform and manually publish the post. Now, Zapier allows you to automate this step. If you filter by tags according to type of content or platform, youâll ensure that the right content always gets posted to the right platform. ProTip: Donât have a Zapier account yet? Sign up now, itâs free! Monitor Tracked Time If you track time, this update is for you. Weâve added in a time tracking field to tasks created on Zapier â" an additional data point for us, more customization options for you. First, you can get information about the amount of time spent on tasks. But wait, thereâs more â" you can also trigger emails to get sent the minute a task exceeds a certain amount of time. Use this template below or, alternatively, create your own: And Finally: A New Trigger Helps You Stay Informed Last but certainly not least, our new Zapier update allows you to make sure that you remain on top of and informed about changes and updates made to work that you are interested in. This is because we know how easy it is for important updates to get lost in the noise of everything else. Create a Zap thatâll trigger every time changes are made to a task that youâre following: like an sms or an instant message for every new comment. The skyâs the limit. To create this Zap, all you have to do is select ânew commentâ from the trigger event dropdown (pictured above). Then, select the application that best suits your notification preferences (email, sms, instant message). Viola. Hereâs a Zap template to help you get started: Weâve Updated Our Zapier Integration! - Focus MeisterTask just updated its Zapier integration, and the result⦠magic! Users can now create Zaps that are packed with additional information, such as: attachments, due date, tags and completion prompts! Quick Recap If youâve never come across or used Zapier before, itâs probably good to get you up to speed by first giving you a quick overview. Weâve created a little Zapier glossary just for that purpose. It will not only help you understand the terminology, but it will also give you a general idea of how it actually works. Zapier Glossary Zapier is a web-based service that offers end-users (like you and me) and easy solution to automate certain parts of your workflow. Certain tasks require the help of two or three different programs in order to be completed. Say you need to create a task every time someone fills in a contact form on your website. This is a manual and time-consuming process. But, using Zapier to connect MeisterTask to your form tool can automate this step. You can do this for another 1,500 applications with Zapier, not just your email client. Whatâs more, you donât need any coding or programming experience to do so! Automate is a word used to describe the action of programming a machine or computer to do something instead of a person doing it manually. Think of a chatbot as an example. A lot of chatbots are programmed to send an automatic reply whenever a customer sends a message. The action of sending the reply is whatâs been automated. Workflow is the name given to the entire process that a piece of work goes through from initiation to completion. An example of a basic workflow is: when this happens (choose app event) then do this. Zap is what you call the step or action in your workflow that youâve chosen to automate using Zapier. Trigger is the prompt that signals your Zap to begin automating a step. It could be a potential customer filling out a contact form for Sales. Action is what you call the result that you want out of your Zap â" an email sent, a post published or task created. In a nutshell, MeisterTaskâs Zapier integration means that users have access to a multitude of applications so that they can automate recurring steps in their workflow. This means less manual work and more time to focus on the projects that are really important to you. See⦠magic! So Whatâs New? What does this particular update mean? It means you now have more options available to you when it comes to creating MeisterTask Zaps on Zapier. Weâve added in additional data points (sounds very technical) which means that you have endless configuration options. More robust and content-rich tasks. More dynamic and customized workflows. Here are the updates in a little more detail: Zap Your Tasks to Completion You can now create a Zap that will change a taskâs status. This means, no more going into MeisterTask to manually mark a task as complete, archived or trashed. Why would I want to do that? Say youâve integrated Zapier with your company Facebook account, and each task in your MeisterTask project represents a Facebook post. Up until now, youâve been able to automate that: the task description becomes the post text the task attachments become the post image when the task is moved into a particular section on your project board, the post gets published So your Facebook post was published and your work completed. But you still had to go back into MeisterTask and mark the task complete. Not anymore! Add another level to your Zap and this, too, will be automated for you. MeisterTip: For the Facebook-averse out there, this was just an example, and also works with tons of other apps. Try having a sent email or finished calendar event mark a task as complete. Use a Zap to Add Attachments to Tasks Automatically Who would need to use this? Anyone, but one prime example is someone who works in finance. The end of every month for someone working in finance often means an inbox flooded with invoices. Keeping track of whatâs been settled versus what still needs to be paid is hard enough without the added risk of missing something that could result in a key supplier not getting paid. So much time spent sifting through emails, requesting invoices, and sending replies. Donât forget about manually uploading all invoices to your MeisterTask accounts project. This can all be grouped into work that needs to get done before the actual work gets done. But with Zapier, and MeisterTaskâs new integration update, this can all be automated. Simply create a Zap that can do this for you! You Can Add More Info to Tasks That You Create On Zapier Such as due date and custom fields. Once upon a time, adding a due date to a task created using Zapier had to be done separately on MeisterTask, after the task had been added to your project. Those days are over. Our new update allows you to add your due date directly into the Zap youâre creating. Set incoming sales leads for follow up as soon as theyâre added to your project board by using this Zap: Also pre-fill in your custom fields â" with an email address or a phone number perhaps? All that is now available directly from the Zap dialog. Filter Tasks By Tags If youâve added tags to your project in MeisterTask, you can now filter by those tags when creating a Zap on Zapier. How would one use this? Well hereâs a great example: If you, like so many others, use MeisterTask to manage your social media content calendar, you probably have a project dedicated to this with a specific section for âto be publishedâ. You probably also use tags, either to differentiate the type of content (video, tweet, post, etc.) or to represent the different platforms (Twitter, Facebook etc.). Gathering everything you need for a social media post often involves multiple team members or departments â" a picture or video from graphics, a clever caption from marketing and input from the online marketing team regarding whether or not it will be âboostedâ. Once tasks have been through this workflow and moved into the âto be publishedâ section, your social media manager probably had to physically log in to the social media platform and manually publish the post. Now, Zapier allows you to automate this step. If you filter by tags according to type of content or platform, youâll ensure that the right content always gets posted to the right platform. ProTip: Donât have a Zapier account yet? Sign up now, itâs free! Monitor Tracked Time If you track time, this update is for you. Weâve added in a time tracking field to tasks created on Zapier â" an additional data point for us, more customization options for you. First, you can get information about the amount of time spent on tasks. But wait, thereâs more â" you can also trigger emails to get sent the minute a task exceeds a certain amount of time. Use this template below or, alternatively, create your own: And Finally: A New Trigger Helps You Stay Informed Last but certainly not least, our new Zapier update allows you to make sure that you remain on top of and informed about changes and updates made to work that you are interested in. This is because we know how easy it is for important updates to get lost in the noise of everything else. Create a Zap thatâll trigger every time changes are made to a task that youâre following: like an sms or an instant message for every new comment. The skyâs the limit. To create this Zap, all you have to do is select ânew commentâ from the trigger event dropdown (pictured above). Then, select the application that best suits your notification preferences (email, sms, instant message). Viola. Hereâs a Zap template to help you get started:
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